From Tech Squares Class MIT
Click on the title to see a video demonstration of the call
ALLEMANDE LEFT: Typical starting formation - squared set or dancers facing their corners. Dancers face their corners if necessary, turn their corners by the left forearm until they are facing their partners, and step forward to face their partners.
BEND THE LINE: Typical starting formation - two-faced line or one-faced line. Working as a unit, each couple turns toward the center of the line with centers backing up and ends walking forward. Ends in facing couples.
CALIFORNIA TWIRL: Typical starting formation - couple with man on the left and lady on the right. Dancers raise their joined hands, and the lady walks under turning 180° to the left while the man walks around the lady turning 180° to the right. Ends in a couple facing the opposite direction.
CIRCLE LEFT/RIGHT: Typical starting formation - circle of eight. Dancers join hands and move around the circle in the indicated direction. If no direction is given, dancers circle left.
COURTESY TURN: Typical starting formation - couple with man on the left and lady on the right. The man takes the lady's left hand in his left hand while the lady places her right hand in the small of her back, and the man places his right hand in the lady's right. As a couple, they turn toward the left, with the lady walking forward and the man backing up, until they are facing into the formation. Ends as a couple, usually facing the opposite direction.
DOSADO: Typical starting formation - facing dancers. Dancers walk forward past each other passing right shoulders, slide to the right, and back up past each other passing left shoulders. Ends in facing dancers.
FORWARD AND BACK: Typical starting formation - facing couples. Dancers step forward 1 to 3 steps, pause, and back up 1 to 3 steps. Ends in facing couples.
Typical starting formation - squared set. Some dancers are
designated to face their partners. This is a 32-beat call; the
facing dancers do pattern 1 for the first 16 beats and then pattern
2 for the next 16 beats while the others do pattern 2 and then
pattern 1.
Pattern 1 | Pattern 2 | ||
1. | Back up 4 steps, turning 90° to face in on the last step. | 1. | Walk forward 4 steps, facing in on the last step. |
2. | Walk forward 4 steps, facing in on the last step. | 2. | Back up 4 steps, facing in on the last step. |
3. | Walk forward 4 steps, facing in on the last step. | 3. | Back up 4 steps, facing in on the last step. |
4. | Back up 4 steps. | 4. | Walk forward 4 steps. |
HALF SASHAY: Typical starting formation - couple. The right-hand dancer sidesteps to the left passing in front of the left-hand dancer who sidesteps to the right, passing behind. Ends in a couple facing the same direction but with dancers on opposite sides.
LADIES CHAIN: Typical starting formation - facing couples. Ladies right pull by with each other, and all courtesy turn. Ends in facing couples.
FOUR LADIES CHAIN: Typical starting formation - squared set. Ladies make a right-hand star and turn the star 1/2, and all courtesy turn. Ends in facing couples. Four Ladies Chain 3/4 is the same, except ladies turn the star 3/4.
CLOVERLEAF: Typical starting formation - completed double pass thru. Leaders turn away from each other and walk forward in an arc turning 270° to end facing in the center. Trailers follow the leaders, going through the same motions, to end behind the leaders. Ends in a beginning double pass thru. If only some dancers are designated, the designated dancers do the leaders' part without stepping into the center, while the others step forward into the center.
CAST OFF 3/4: Typical starting formation - couple or mini-wave. From a mini-wave, dancers arm turn 3/4 pivoting around their joined hands. Ends in a mini-wave. From a couple, the centers walk forward in a 270° arc around their handhold while the ends back up. Ends in a couple facing in.
DOUBLE PASS THRU: Typical starting formation - beginning double pass thru. Dancers walk forward passing right shoulders with two dancers. Ends in a completed double pass thru.
FIRST COUPLE GO LEFT/RIGHT NEXT COUPLE GO LEFT/RIGHT: Typical starting formation - completed double pass thru. Working as a unit, the first couple flips toward the given direction, while the next couple walks forward and flips toward the second direction. If directions were opposite, dancers adjust to end in facing lines. If directions were the same, ends in promenade.
PASS TO THE CENTER: Typical starting formation - eight chain. All pass thru, and the new ends partner trade. Ends in a beginning double pass thru.
ROLLAWAY: Typical starting formation - couple. The right-hand dancer moves forward toward their partner turning 360° to end on the other side of their partner. The original left-hand dancer slides over to the right. Ends in a couple with the dancers having switched positions.
SINGLE FILE PROMENADE: Typical starting formation - columns or single file promenade. Dancers walk forward single file in promenade direction. On Single File Promenade Home dancers stop when they get home and face in. Ends in single file promenade or squared set.
BACKTRACK: Typical starting formation - single file promenade. Designated dancers flip away from center 180° and walk around the outside in the opposite direction while centers continue to single file promenade.
SLIP THE CLUTCH: Typical starting formation - thar or parallel waves. Centers and ends drop hands with each other and move up halfway to the next position. From waves, this is equivalent to 1/2 circulate.
ALLEMANDE LEFT IN THE ALAMO STYLE: Typical starting formation - squared set. Dancers allemande left with their corners, but instead of stepping forward, they maintain their forearm grip with their corners and take right forearms with their partners. Ends in an alamo ring.
BALANCE: Typical starting formation - alamo ring or wave. All dancers take a small step forward and bring their other foot forward to close. All dancers then take a step back and bring their other foot back to close.
CIRCLE TO A LINE: Typical starting formation - eight chain. Facing couples circle left 1/2. The new left-hand end drops hands with the adjacent center, and the ends slide left while the centers continue circling left, twirling the last dancer under to end in a one-faced line. Ends in facing lines.
THRU: Typical starting formation - eight chain.
1. | Right pull by. |
2. | Centers left pull by while the outsides courtesy turn. |
3-8. | Continue alternating parts 1 and 2. |
FOLD: Typical starting formation - couple or mini-wave. The designated dancer moves forward in an arc, turning 180° to end in front of or behind the non-designated dancer. Non-designated dancers do not move.
CROSS FOLD: Typical starting formation - wave or line. Designated dancers fold in front of or behind the non-designated dancer two positions away from them. Ends cross fold to face the far center position; centers cross fold to face the far end position. Non-designated dancers do not move.
SLIDE THRU: Typical starting formation - facing dancers. Dancers pass thru, and ladies turn 90° to the left while men turn 90° to the right. Ends in a couple or mini-wave.
SPIN THE TOP: Typical starting formation - wave. Dancers arm turn 1/2, and the centers arm turn 3/4 while the ends move up in a 90° arc to be ends of a wave. Ends in a wave.
OCEAN WAVE RULE: Calls from facing couples that begin with pass thru or pull by (for example, Right and Left Thru) can also be called from waves. In this case, dancers step thru (completing the pass thru or pull by) and finish the call.