From Tech Squares Class MIT
Click on the title to see a video demonstration of the call
ALL 8 SPIN THE TOP (plus): Typical starting formation - dancers facing their partners. All dancers right arm turn 1/2 (stepping to a mini-wave if necessary), and the center 4 star 3/4 while the others move up in a 90° arc around the outside. Ends in a thar.
EXPLODE THE WAVE (plus): Typical starting formation - wave. Dancers step thru, face in, and right pull by. Ends in couples back to back.
EXPLODE AND (ANYTHING) (plus): Typical starting formation - wave. Dancers step thru, face in, and do the anything call.
LINEAR CYCLE: Typical starting formation - wave. Dancers hinge, and leaders (original centers) fold behind the others. All double pass thru (left if the waves were left-handed), and peel off in the direction of the shoulder pass. Ends in facing couples.
PEEL OFF (plus): Typical starting formation - tandem couples or mini-wave box. Dancers 1/2 zoom and the original trailers U-turn back away from the center of the box. Each tandem ends as a couple with the original trailer as the center.
RELAY THE DEUCEY (plus): Typical starting formation - parallel waves.
COORDINATE (plus): Typical starting formation - columns.
CUT THE DIAMOND (plus): Typical starting formation - diamond. Points of the diamond slide together without turning and trade while the centers diamond circulate. Ends in a wave or line.
FOLLOW YOUR NEIGHBOR (plus): Typical starting formation - mini-wave box. Trailers extend and arm turn 3/4, while the leaders 1/2 split circulate and U-turn back in flow direction. Ends in a wave.
(ANYTHING) AND ROLL (plus): Typical starting formation - various formations. Dancers perform the (anything) call, and dancers who turned as part of their last movement in the call continue turning 90° in place. Dancers whose last movement did not involve turning do not turn.
SPIN CHAIN AND EXCHANGE THE GEARS (plus): Typical starting formation - waves.
TRADE THE WAVE (plus): Typical starting formation - wave. Dancers trade with the other dancer in their wave facing the same direction. Ends in a wave of the opposite handedness.